What is Tax Identification Number (TIN)?
Why do I need to provide my TIN?
Funderbeam is a regulated financial entity and is required to follow international agreements such as the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), which aims to prevent tax fraud. As part of the CRS, signatory countries or bodies (including the EU, Singapore, Denmark, Norway and the United Kingdom) are participating in the Automatic Exchange Of (tax and financial) Information (AEOI), of which the TIN of each person is required during reporting.
Where do I locate my TIN?
This number is unique to each person and is a different format and location per country. We have listed a few examples here, with all information having been copied from OECD.
For all countries not listed below, please go to the OECD’s webpage on Tax Identification Numbers for more information.
For Estonian’s individuals, their TIN is their Estonian personal identification number (Isikukood) found on their ID card or Passport.
For companies, the Registration Code offered by the company registry or government is used. More detailed information can be read here.
For Croatian individuals and companies, the TIN is their Personal Identification Number (OIB) issued Ministry of Finance. This number will be visible on personal ID documents or company registry documents. More detailed information can be read read here.
United Kingdom
For UK individuals and companies, TINs are not automatically issued. As a result, it is possible to provide either a unique taxpayer reference (UTR) or the National Insurance Number (NINO). For more information including examples of where to locate these numbers, click here.
For Danish individuals, the TIN is the CPR number. This is located on major ID documents. For Danish companies, the TIN is the CVR number that needs to have been applied for. For more detail on the format and location of these numbers, click here.
Norway has three variants used for TINs. These are the National identity numbers, D-numbers and for Legal Entities the Organisation Number. For more detail about these locations and formats, click here.
While Funderbeam cannot offer any legal or taxation advice, if there are questions on the above, please contact customer support and we will do our best to answer the question.