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The Funderbeam Blog

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January 26, 2023

In the Hot Seat – Bikeep

1. How did the year 2022 turn out for your company?

It turned out to be another great growth year. We increased our total orders signing more than 150% YoY. Especially excited about the partnerships we signed in December that have the potential to be game-changers for us if we execute well in 2023. 

2. What was the main challenge of the year?

Constant self-reinvention. It was balancing between building long-term vs what is needed to get to the next milestone. 

3. Did the events in the world significantly impact your company, and how?

We are riding a global megatrend towards more sustainable transportation, better living environments and cities becoming smarter and smarter. Of course, all the happenings in the world will impact us as players in the ecosystem, but the general trend is way bigger than the events that affect the economy for a few years. 

4. Did your company manage to receive the expected results?

As our expectations are always very high, I have to admit that we didn’t meet the internal goals 100%, but this is OK, we had a great growth year, and we are very proud of what we achieved. 

5. What is the outlook of your sector for this year?

By 2030 it is estimated that 10 micro-mobility vehicles are sold per car, by 2050 this is expected to be on the level of a 50:1 ratio. Cities understand this and understand that if our vehicles change, our cities need to change so the outlook is very positive. The question is only about the speed of this change. 

6. What are the goals for 2023 so you would look back on December 31st and say, “it truly went as expected”?

At least 100% growth on all fronts. 

7. What is the main “New Year’s promise” for shareholders?

We promise to keep on doing what we are doing. The track record is quite supportive if we exclude the 2020 covid panic year, we have been able to grow 100% each year on our orders side for the last 5 years. 

8. What companies or leaders have been your “personal heroes” this year?

Our dear Ukrainian heroes – even if all the smartest and most insightful intelligence in the world is telling you that you have no hope, you have to trust this internal feeling and fight for what you know is right, never give up! 

What are the three most used applications on your mobile phone, and which one you “couldn’t live without”?

  • Audible for learning on the Go.
  • Different instant messengers to stay connected and work from everywhere all the time.
  • My dear Bikeep app to guard my bike.
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